Resume & CV Writing:
CV stands for Curriculum vitae, and happens to be the first point of contact between job-seeker and potential employer.

Before going further lets discuss the difference between CV and RESUME:
It’s important to note that words CV and resume are used interchangeable for personal profile. However resume is bit concise and contains relevant job experience and education level for a specific position, while CV contains brief information pertinent to education, experience and expertise of the applicant. Resume is short and usually of one page, while CV is preferred to be two to three pages long.
In this age of digital media, applicant use online job portal to apply for specific positions and it is also easier for the Employers to sort Resume / CVs according to the skill-set and expertise level by using advance tools available online. Attractive and well formulated Resume / CVs are always preferred by the employers.
Here we have few tips for making a well structured Resume / CV:
Layout: the first thing that potential employer notice before reading is the layout and the structure of the CV. Do mention your name and address on the top of the document. Segregate each section (education, experience, interests and others) with lines between them or with an equal spacing. Paste / print a recent photograph on the top right-side, to be prominent.
Sample Layout:

Source: Primocv
Education and Experience: It’s preferred to write education and experience in chronological order (listing the most recent education and experience first, see the aforementioned CV).
Mention the starting and ending dates of your education & experience in separate columns (to make it more attractive, use logos of companies and the educational institutes you have been affiliated with).
Use Numbers: give a brief overview of the projects you have worked upon, and the no of people you have supervised during the course of the project. Also it’s effective if you mention the implication and results in numbers.
Affiliation & Membership: It is pertinent to mention if you are affiliated with any institute, or are a member of any club or society. Do mention your role and any initiative that you took that lead to improvement.
Experience as a Volunteer: Don't forget to mention if you have ever worked with any NGO, INGO, GO or any trust or society to support a cause, but please hesitate from mentioning any activity related to politics.
Interest and Skill set: Highlight if you are proficient in any other language or software. Mention if you have attended a workshop or a training that had enhanced your soft skills or improved your working ability.
Be true and honest: Skills can be learned but the nature of a person hardly changes. Many people lose opportunities due to false representation and disparities between what’s said and what’s written on the resume / CV.
There is no harm in getting inspiration, but don’t copy & paste someone else’s resume / CV, and try to make on your own, as it would give a personal touch to your resume / CV.
I have added few awesome CVs, to share with you! These are true piece of art and shows how creative people are in terms of expressing themselves.
1) Simple but Attractive

Source: Buzzfeed
2) Precise and Skill Oriented

Source: Designbolts
3) Creative Touch

Source: Pinterest
4) Vibrant and Colorful

Source: Infographic-police.blogspot
Employers don’t always need leaders; they need followers can learn to be a leaders of tomorrow.
I hope you have benefit from the Resume / CV writing tips. Stay blessed!
CV stands for Curriculum vitae, and happens to be the first point of contact between job-seeker and potential employer.

Before going further lets discuss the difference between CV and RESUME:
It’s important to note that words CV and resume are used interchangeable for personal profile. However resume is bit concise and contains relevant job experience and education level for a specific position, while CV contains brief information pertinent to education, experience and expertise of the applicant. Resume is short and usually of one page, while CV is preferred to be two to three pages long.
In this age of digital media, applicant use online job portal to apply for specific positions and it is also easier for the Employers to sort Resume / CVs according to the skill-set and expertise level by using advance tools available online. Attractive and well formulated Resume / CVs are always preferred by the employers.
Here we have few tips for making a well structured Resume / CV:
Layout: the first thing that potential employer notice before reading is the layout and the structure of the CV. Do mention your name and address on the top of the document. Segregate each section (education, experience, interests and others) with lines between them or with an equal spacing. Paste / print a recent photograph on the top right-side, to be prominent.
Sample Layout:

Source: Primocv
Education and Experience: It’s preferred to write education and experience in chronological order (listing the most recent education and experience first, see the aforementioned CV).
Mention the starting and ending dates of your education & experience in separate columns (to make it more attractive, use logos of companies and the educational institutes you have been affiliated with).
Use Numbers: give a brief overview of the projects you have worked upon, and the no of people you have supervised during the course of the project. Also it’s effective if you mention the implication and results in numbers.
Affiliation & Membership: It is pertinent to mention if you are affiliated with any institute, or are a member of any club or society. Do mention your role and any initiative that you took that lead to improvement.
Experience as a Volunteer: Don't forget to mention if you have ever worked with any NGO, INGO, GO or any trust or society to support a cause, but please hesitate from mentioning any activity related to politics.
Interest and Skill set: Highlight if you are proficient in any other language or software. Mention if you have attended a workshop or a training that had enhanced your soft skills or improved your working ability.
Be true and honest: Skills can be learned but the nature of a person hardly changes. Many people lose opportunities due to false representation and disparities between what’s said and what’s written on the resume / CV.
There is no harm in getting inspiration, but don’t copy & paste someone else’s resume / CV, and try to make on your own, as it would give a personal touch to your resume / CV.
I have added few awesome CVs, to share with you! These are true piece of art and shows how creative people are in terms of expressing themselves.
1) Simple but Attractive

Source: Buzzfeed
2) Precise and Skill Oriented

Source: Designbolts
3) Creative Touch

Source: Pinterest
4) Vibrant and Colorful

Source: Infographic-police.blogspot
Employers don’t always need leaders; they need followers can learn to be a leaders of tomorrow.
I hope you have benefit from the Resume / CV writing tips. Stay blessed!